Monday, September 26, 2011

Prior to completion, detail
Spent Blossoms of Black Eyed Susans from my Garden.

Days are getting shorter.

Most Recent Piece (detail and not yet titled)

Samantha Studio Buddy and Morris the Stalker

Self Portrait?
It's been months since my last blog (confession). After spending hours wandering through the Fuller Craft Museum attempting to glean inspiration and an "aha moment" that might translate into my next piece, I've realized there won't be any epiphany. I won't be scribbling my next idea on a scrap of napkin from Dunkin Donuts. My next piece will result from doodles, drawings, photographs, tracing paper, assorted arrangements of bits and pieces until and I see something beginning to emerge - in other words, from WORK! There will be some placement of bits of images, some line quality that suggests something else. The formulation of an idea will eventually occur. I will know when I have it right. That's the way that I work and it's always been that way. I will go to my studio, shut out the world for a bit (except for Samantha the cat who likes to sleep in the kitty bed next to my work table) and start to think. This is really hard work but it's even harder to imagine not having something in place to pick up and stitch. The days are getting shorter and the blossoms in my flower garden are spent - the distractions of Summer are gone!  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ma!

    I like this blog of yours - you should post more often and send the link out to everyone in your greater artist community and ask them to follow it.

    You're first fan,

